Our house is TINY and their door is literally 3" from our door and from the door to our lone bathroom. Call it charm, call it efficient, it makes for some tight living space. I definitely don't want to live in this house when Moo discovers rock music! The towel over the door is too keep Moo from shutting himself in his room.

Moo's crib is a freebie off Craigs list from a couple months ago. It's really sturdy, hasn't been recalled, and matches Ella Bella's crib. We did have to replace some hardware and we painted it with high quality chip resistant spray paint. That came to about $50. His bedding is a hodge podge of Amy Coe from target, pottery barn thrift store finds, and homemade items. $50 for Amy Coe, $5 for the PB kids bumper, $20ish for the crib skirt, ribbon blankie and pillows. The airplanes above his bed were .20 a piece 90% off at Hobby lobby after Christmas. $1.60. The train artwork was about $10. His mattress is a gently used hand me down. Total: $136.60

I got Ella Bella's crib brand spanking new (still in the box) at a garage sale when I was pregnant with Moo. A steal at $20. We did buy a brand new mattress for it, which was $70. We also spray painted her crib, $10. Her bedding is also Amy Coe from Target and it matches Moo's bedding. I bought the entire girl's set and the entire boy's set long before I ever got pregnant because it was 75% off and I loved it. Not very frugal! I also made some blankets and a crib skirt for her bed, $20. Amy Coe bedding, $50. I lucked out and most of the sheets match both the boys and girls crib sets. The mobile was actually part of a huge nursery set I bought and then hated. I actually sold the set at a $40 profit, so we will just the mobile was free! I repainted it and changed out the ornaments to match the crib sets. The wall hanging was $9 for the letters and another $3 for the stars and ribbon. The branch is from my backyard sprayed with leftover spray paint. The frames are from the dollar store and were repurposed with scrapbook paper to match the room. $9 The hanging flowers are from a friends baby shower, FREE. $191 for her crib, Total: $327.60

The reading corner. The chair is a remnant form my bachelorette days living with Tickled Pink Housewife and Wood Squared. Good times. I think we got the chair, a couch, and an old tv all for $15. So, $5? More dollar tree frames and scrapbook paper, $9. Blue diaper caddy, $10. Dresser, $10.... gift wrap to cover drawers of dresser, $3. Planes hanging from the ceiling, $3. The pillows and blankets are more Amy Coe and were included in the prices above. So, $37
Total: $364.60
Total: $364.60

I forced my husband to build the shelf, materials came to $50. The baskets and the lamp were my mom's contribution, I think I may have just taken the lampshade from her house :) Anyways, free to me! She also gave me the little boots, the globe, the piggy bank, and the frames. Free! The firetruck was a gift from a dear woman at our church. It was her now twenty something son's and she insisted Moo have it. I painted the baby word art, $5 for both.
The cool metal bins were a Target steal, $10 for all 4! $59 for the shelf and decorative pieces.
Total: $423.60

Ikea Rocker, $3o. Their curtains are cheap twin sheets cut in half, $7.50 for all 3 windows. $10 for 3 curtain rods. Star hanger on closet door, $1. Blackout shades for 3 windows, $15. $62.50 for the windows and the rocker. Total: $486.10

Pocket organizers hanging on the door, 75% off from the a Target one spot. $1.25 for both. Adjustable clothing rod, $10. PB kids laundry basket, $3 at a garage sale. We added in shelves on either side of the clothes to hold diapers and wipes using scrap wood, free. Closet total: $14.25, Room Total: $500.35
Just over $500 to do a whole nursery! I am honestly thinking, oops, I spent more than I realized I did! I guess that should remind me that costs add up! I know some of you have done spectacular thrifty nursery's. Send me a link to them and I will add them here! Let's give Tickled Pink's friend some great, thrifty ideas!
Just over $500 to do a whole nursery! I am honestly thinking, oops, I spent more than I realized I did! I guess that should remind me that costs add up! I know some of you have done spectacular thrifty nursery's. Send me a link to them and I will add them here! Let's give Tickled Pink's friend some great, thrifty ideas!

I think it looks wonderful! I love how you've tied everything together, merging girl stuff with boy stuff. I really love the personalizations you've made to things the most.
You have some great tips. I sometimes think I'm done with the boys' room, but then I get inspired to do more! Shame on you!
I saw your link on the This Young House comments and had to come over a take a look. I love what you've done here! It looks amazing!
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