Thursday, December 23, 2010

sweet blog, how I have missed you!

It's a Christmas miracle! We finally, after 14 months of living at the dump, have internet at home! Where to even start, it's been quite the year.

The dump is considerably less dumpy and the interior is mostly finished.

Moo and Ella Bella are much taller and much, much louder.

And are so much a like they have matching dead front teeth. Ick and agh. Klutsy kids.

We "upgraded" to a "swagger wagon". Lower your head in disgust if you want, but automatic sliding doors are AWESOME.

I have gained a good 40 (ok 50) pounds from this time last year.

My new years resolution is to lose 30 lbs by valentines day.

Should be pretty easy after the TWINS arrive in January (ish). They are still baking @ 32w 4d.