Wednesday, December 30, 2009

little family's first christmas

love little moo

This little guy drives me insane is so many ways. Insane in the ammount I love him, insane in the ammount of questions he asks, and insane with his obstinence and definitely insane with his ability to pee on the seat EVERY SINGLE TIME.

And now to embarrass the Hubs. We went out for dinner a couple weeks a go at a place that rhymes with stickeys. Yeah you know the place. ANywyas, we got the all clear of no peanut products, ordered, and sat down to eat. Not 3 minutes later Moo declares as he dances in his chair that he has to goooooooooooo. I smile at Hubs and profusely aplogize for being a girl and he takes Moo off to the restroom.

The return a few minutes later, Hubs shaking his head in defeat. Moo refuse to go in any place that is not perfectly clean and has just the right size and shape of potty.

A few minutes later Moo is back to dancing and rather loudly proclaims he has to goooooooooo. So off they go again. A few minutes later they return. And moo very loudly proclaims that he did IT! Several people snicker. Hubs is turning red.

So I do what any good mommy would do. And any not so good wife would do. Again, quite loudly and very enthusiastically. "oh honey! Yay! that's so wonderful. I am so glad you did IT. Wonderful!" Hubs got a little redder and snak in his seat.

So if I ruined your dinner at the place that rhymes with stickeys, then man I am sorry. However, I bet odds are your dinner was ruined by the food poisioning we all endured after dinner. And that some poor sole suffered in the parking lot...

color me happy

All the toys have gone down to the lair, err, playroom. The kids love it and I love it. Now to get my studio space whipped into shape!

white christmas

I like snow. I like snow from the warm, comfortable cosiness of my home. However, I don't want to taint my childrens opinion of the stuff so when we got wallopped by a blizzard on Christmas eve resulting in 5 inches of white fluff everywhere and some 2' plus drifts (I can hear all you Nebraksans rolling on the ground laughing... stop it...) I had to take the doodles out in it. Doodle is a good name for my children, no? Moo loved it and squaled with delight. Ella Bella was a little more cautious and took it all in but said nothing.

And then, Ella Bella fell face first into the snow and Moo relaized that this snow stuff is COLD. COLD! Their countenance changed just a little....

At this point Moo laid down on the neighbors drive way and proceeded to scream his little lungs out letting it echo through the otherwise quiet winter wonderland of the canyon. He refused to move from that spot, crying out that he would rather DIE right THERE than go back in the SNOW! I have no iuidea where he gets his flair for drama, none.

little readers

One of my moms favorite photos from my childhood is of my older brother reading to me. He was 5 or 6, and I was a spitting image of my own little Ella Bella. I never knew why she liked that photo so much until I had my own kids and got to savor this little moment of sibling harmony.

second summer

We had a glorius fall here, particualarly for a few divine days in November when it was just perfect. 70's during the afternoon, 50's at night. I would like that every day. Especially after the past week of snow, bleh. But, I know some of you are big snow fans so I will endure it for you with a smile... for the most part!

waking up

Ella Bella is so full of life and opinion from the second she wakes up. This day it was from a long winters nap and I was anxious to get her up for a photoshoot before the light vanished. She was not amused at first but came around pretty quick. Here are some more of her kicking it in hergdiapers a few minutes later.

merry christmas?

it's a little late and very impersonable. The sentiment is the same. 2009 was a hard year to be a friend as we watched some of our closest friends go through the darkness of illness, loss, divorce, and struggle. I am praying for healing in their lives and a peaceful 2010. We love you dear friends.

the dump is less dumpy by the day

main living space: september 11, 2009

main living space: december 15, 2009

If you ever think it's a good idea to buy the ugliest house who you can find that needs a crazy ammount of work, let me be the first to tell you it's a BAD idea.

Ok, I really don't mean that. Yes it's been an insane ammount of work. Yes, It's been really expensive. Yes, it's been all consuming and yes living in a construction zone is a little less than convienient. However, the reality of what it has been like is not nearly all the nightmare our friends think it is. Here is the jist of many of our friends thoughts....

"It must be like camping. I hate camping"

"Your kids have slept in your room for 2 months???? No thanks!"

"You guys must be fighting constantly."

"Ya'll are CRAZY."

It has not been like camping. Luckily we finished most of the work upstairs before we moved in. The upstairs is the same size as our old house (about 1300 sq. ft) and has a huge living area, master bedroom and bath, and a laundry room. So for my sanity I pretended we were living in a loft all sharing a room and putting stuff where we could. Our kids did sleep in our room until about a week ago when the flooring went down in the basement... really lower level. And it was fine because we would work every night until we dropped and would just crash. Moo deciding he needed to see us 2-3 times a night did get really really old. Luckily, he favored Hubs side of the bed so I slept pretty good inspite of the midnight wakings.

We have had a few fights. We have only had 2 big fights and they were both about subcontractors. I'll leave it at I was right. And if you need a really expensive mediochre work crew, I know just the fellows. We have actually leardned that we are stronger and more teachable than we realized. We both have learned skills we didn't think we could handle and have been surprised with pretty good results.

We are down to just the finish work throughout the interior of the house. Baseboards, triming out windows, closet doors, and paint colors. We have too functioning, allthough still pretty ugly, bathrooms. It's cool to see this dark, smelly, dated place transform into a light, modern, clean family home. We have work to do on the outside too, but that will have to wait until spring and probably won't be posted on here anyway.

the lovely h family

First let me say, I adore this family. One, for having 2 little guys who are as crazy about trains as little Moo. Two, for generously keeping Moo and Ella Bella during our move when Hubs spontaneously decided on Tuesday night we needed to move on Thursday morning. Oh yes he did. Three, being a family who seeks God and serves God. And it doesn't hurt that Ashley is a photographer, homeschooling mama, and deal hunter. :) Shooting them was just so fun, they were up for whatever. The older son was just killing me with his "modeling" faces and the littlest guy was being so charming.


the first of a veritable landslide of posts..... got to start somewhere. I promise they won't all be cute photos of my kids but the grandparents must be pleased! Moo the knight in plastic and flammable armour and ella bella the ballerina in her swimsuit.

the blog lives on.

dear poor neglected blog,

My profuse apologies for leaving you alone for so long. I promise it wasn't my intention to leave you empty for so long. I packed you up to move you to the new house (aka the dump) and alas no internet can be found there. At least not inexpensive or fast internet. So here I am sitting at a coffee shop to catch up with you mr. blog. There have been many things going on worthy of a good old blog post, like Moo and Ella Bella growing like weeds, cute families photographs, and of course "the dump" looking a whole lot less dumpy.

I promise to get REAL internet soon, my iphone has so many shortcomings.... the inability to blog, hates photos larger than a credit card, hard to talk on, and lousy for online shopping. You mr. blog are cheap therapy and after 2 months of living in very tight quarters I NEED some therapy.

lfh creative