Sunday, January 18, 2009


I have been waiting for this day for months, a time where my 2 kids would play together nicely for a minute or 2. Moo must have had an extraordinary amount of toddler patience as they played for a good hour. She slobbered on the toys and knocked things over, he chatted quietly and showed her how it all worked. Awww... it won't be long before they are fighting over toys and I am the referee...

*Also, check out the belly on Ella Bella. And the thighs. Hehe. I have officially given up on pants for her, they just will not go past her dimply knees.


Lauren said...

She is just too cute! You gotta love those healthy legs and round tummy! I think it's so sweet they are starting to play together :)

Faith said...

Just remember fighting = entertainment at its best! =)