Monday, July 21, 2008

let it out

I think Moo's expression pretty much sums up how our last week went. A few minutes before and a few minutes after this photo was taken, little man was at the height of happiness and excitement. A little sunscreen in the eyes and a $%#@*&@ helmet were just enough to push him over the edge. Adjusting to a new job and a new routine has been stressful for Hubs and therefore stressful for me and therefore stressful for Moo. It seems we lost sight of the blessing and adventure of everything NEW and got stuck fretting over little things like insurance, uniforms, and pensions. God in his infinite wisdom provided us a weekend of fun full of poker, bicycles, sun, bbq, swimming pools, and friends. He did not in his infinite wisdom provide me with the common sense not to wear a bathing suit 2 months post partum in public. My profuse apologies for those who witnessed that!

So we are fine, just preoccupied! This week IS going to be better.

Ella Bella seems to respond to stress by being a supremely awesome little baby who sleeps, plays, and eats with nary a whimper. I was ready to give her away after all the "fun" we had in Colorado... She has redeemed herself BIG time by sleeping from at least 10 pm to 7 am every night since we got back. We even have both kids sleeping in their own cribs in the SAME room now. Hooray! Even more exciting, she hasn't puked (knock on wood) since we got back from Colorado!