Tuesday, June 3, 2008


My husband has been in his final interview for the local fire department for 2 hours and 1o minutes.

I am praying, praying, praying. His interview yesterday was about and hour and a half so I hope it's going ok. I would LOVE to close the door on 3 years of travel, testing, and interviewing. I would love to see my husband have the job he really wants. Praying, lots of praying.

The wait is driving me crazy.

The dear children must sense I need distraction today. Moo fed his sister a cheerio this morning. I managed to fish it out of her mouth before she choked on it, but WOW was she mad. A good 20 minutes of red faced, spit-up inducing screaming. Little Miss and I are both on our third set of clothes for the day between spit-up and blow-outs. I swear our laundry load has quadrupled since she has been born.

2 hours and 22 minutes. Agh.

The wait is driving me crazy.

It's not going to be pretty if he went back to work with out calling to let me know how it went....

UPDATE! Yeah, he totally went to work with out calling his wife. Nice. Anyways, he is suitable for employment, meaning he can be hired pending the approval of a fire board and assuming he passes medical and drug tests. So YAY!!!

On the subject of the hubby, he is obsessed with Coke rewards points. And being the Yankees we are, we don't drink Coke products other than Powerade. He has been using oodles of coupons to build his stockpile. I think the most he has paid is .30 a piece!


Robin said...

I'll be praying, too! Your husband would make an excellent firefighter. It will feed his long dormant body builder side!


It was so good to see you. We should do it again, soon!

Tickled Pink Housewife said...

Dave is so obsessed with Coke Rewards too! My grandparents, who only drink Coke products, are helping him in his attempt to get a Wii! We're over the 4000 point mark by now. (Almost all of Guthrie is sending us codes..) Codes, codes, everywhere!

Hope all went well. Love the new pictures of the kids!